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Beaumie Kim
Beaumie Kim is a professor of learning sciences at the Werklund School of Education in University of Calgary, Canada. Her research is focused on engaging learners in playing and designing games that model ideas, concepts, and systems, and also express something about themselves. Her research work is carried out in collaboration with teachers and students as design partners, and by observing their interactions, discourse and artifacts.
Kim, B., Bastani, R., & Takeuchi, M. A. (2023). Embodied mathematical practices in (re)designing board games in a linguistically diverse classroom. Pedagogies: An International Journal, 18(2), 289-310.
Kim, B., Clark, D. B., Friesen, S., & Jacobsen, M. (2022). Engaging in design discourse with learning scientists. In M-C. Shanahan, B. Kim, M. A. Takeuchi, K. Koh, A. P. Preciado-Babb, & P. Sengupta (Eds.), The learning sciences in conversation: Theories, methodologies, and boundary spaces. Routledge.
Kim, B. & Tan, L. (2022). Design thinking the future: Critical perspectives on design studies, design knowledge and education. In L. Tan & B. Kim (Eds), Design praxiology and phenomenology: Understanding ways of knowing through inventive practices. Springer.
Ho, W. & Kim, B. (2022). Learning as subversive design practice: Graffiti artists’ learning of social structure and invention of creative expression. In L. Tan & B. Kim (Eds), Design praxiology and phenomenology: Understanding ways of knowing through inventive practices. Springer.
Baradaran Rahimi, F. & Kim, B. (2022). Playce-making: Transformation of space in a participatory game design project. Learning, Media and Technology, 1–14.
Kim, B., Rasporich, S., & Gupta, D. (2019). Imagining the sustainable future through the construction of fantasy worlds. In P. Sengupta, M-C. Shanahan, & B. Kim (Eds.), Critical, transdisciplinary and embodied approaches in STEM education (pp.61-82). Springer.
Kim, B. & Tan, L. (2022). Design thinking the future: Critical perspectives on design studies, design knowledge and education. In L. Tan & B. Kim (Eds), Design praxiology and phenomenology: Understanding ways of knowing through inventive practices. Springer.
Tan, L. & Kim, B. (2019). Adolescents’ agentic work on developing personal pedagogies on social media. Literacy, 53(4), 196-205.
Baradaran Rahimi, F. & Kim, B. (2019). The role of interest-driven participatory game design: considering design literacy within a technology classroom. International Journal of Technology and Design Education, 29(2), 387-404.
Gupta, D. & Kim, B. (2018). Minecraft aesthetics: Interactions for critical thinking. International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Medicated Simulations Education, 10(4), 20-41.
Kim, B. (2018). Things in common in learning communities. Instructional Science, 46(4), 627–631.
Kim, B. & Ho, W. (2018). Emergent social practices of Singapore students: the role of laughter and humour in educational gameplay. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 16, 85-99.
Kim, B. & Bastani, R. (2017). Students as game designers: Transdisciplinary approach to STEAM education. Alberta Science Education Journal, 45 (1), 45-52.
Kim, B., Tan, L., & Bielaczyc, K. (2015). Learner-generated designs in participatory culture: what they are and how they are shaping learning. Interactive Learning Environments, 23 (5), 545-555.
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